Saturday, June 4, 2011

Grilled Veggie & Couscous Summer Salad

Summer has been in the air.  And you know what summer means?  Grilling.  I love grilling.  I will grill anything, because  And this dish is awesome.  Grilled veggies and golden jewel couscous salad.  What's golden jewel couscous?
Its this mixed grain I bought from Wegmans a while ago (I had a coupon, I love couons).  It has couscous, orzo, garbanzo beans, and quinoa in it.  The garbanzo beans add a nice crunch to the dish and the quinoa packs in some protein.  This dish is really light, which makes it a great dinner choice for a hot summer day, and its PACKED with veggies.  Next time I make this, I'm grilling some chicken to go along with it.  Yum!

Redhead Grilled Veggie & Couscous Salad:
-1 box Wegmans Golden Jewel Blend
-1 small carton cherry tomatoes
-1 small eggplant, sliced into 1/4" thick slices
-1 medium sized red onion, sliced into 1/4" thick round discs
-1 bundle asparagus
-1/4 cup olive oil
-salt and pepper
-Cavender's Greek Seasoning
-1 cup corn (if canned- drain the corn, if frozen, thaw it out)
-1 bottle Kraft Free Italian salad dressing (don't worry, you won't use the whole bottle)
-1/2 cup crumbled feta cheese
-1 bag fresh baby spinach

Cook the Golden Jewel Blend according to box directions.  While that is cooking, prepare and grill your veggies.  Skewer the cherry tomatoes to make grilling easier.  Slice the onions to look like this:
(sorry this isn't my photo.  I didn't have my camera that night and I snapped a quick pic of the finished product with my cell phone.  My apologies!!!)
Slicing the onion into these discs makes grilling them easier.  Slice the eggplant into discs as well.  Take the asparagus, and cut off the tough, hard bottom (usually 2-3 inches from the base).  Marinate the asparagus in enough Kraft Free Italian Dressing to coat.
This is the greatest salad dressing ever.  And at only 25 calories a serving, it doesn't load your dishes with unnecessary fat and calories.  Take your onion, eggplant, and tomatoes, and brush them with olive oil.  Season with salt, pepper, and Cavender's Greek Seasoning (my favorite!  I use it on everything!!)
 Over medium-high heat, grill the asparagus, eggplant, onion, and tomatoes until each vegetable is cooked through and has great grill marks.  After the vegetables have cooked, chop the asparagus, eggplant, and onion into bite sized pieces.  Take the tomatoes off the skewers. 
Now its time to assemble!  Stir the vegetables (remember the corn!) into the Golden Jewel couscous, along with the feta cheese and about 1/3 cup of Kraft Free Italian dressing.  Serve the vegetables and couscous on a bed of fresh spinach.  Depending on your taste preferences, top with more feta cheese and dressing.  If you like different kinds of grilled veggies (zucchini, squash, mushrooms, green peppers) feel free to grill those instead!  Mix it up and make it your own.  Enjoy!

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