Sunday, June 26, 2011

One Blessed RedHead

I am one truly blessed redhead.  I am honored.  I am so appreciative.  And I have THE BEST coworkers anyone could ask for.

So here’s the background information:  I have been working for BOCES for 2 years now.  And sadly, I must say good-bye, for a little while.  This summer and fall I have to wrap up my graduate program in speech-pathology, so I will be taking a leave of absence from BOCES until December.  While I am excited to finally have my Master’s degree, I am also saddened to leave BOCES.  I love working with the students there, and my coworkers make my job that much better.  When some days are more difficult than others, it’s my coworkers who help get me through it.  And in return, I bake.  Or cook.  Or sometimes both.  Baking and cooking have been a sort of “therapy” for me, and I loved sharing everything I make with my amazing coworkers.  Nothing gave me more happiness than to see my coworkers eating one of the cookies I made or grabbing lunch that I had cooked for them.  And they loved it too!  I would always hear “Your cookies were the only thing that got me through today!”  or “I had some of that chili, and it made my week!”  What my coworkers didn’t know, was that everything I made was my way of saying, “Thank you for supporting me when my student was having a difficult time,” or “I’m so glad we have become friends this year.  You are awesome.  So I’m making you some brownies.” 

On Thursday, I got what was probably the best surprise of my life.  My coworkers gave me a "Good Luck" card, where they wrote the sweetest messages ever, wishing me luck while I finish my Master’s.  And they also gave me a gift.  A large gift...... to Williams-Sonoma!!!!  When I opened the box it came in I was:
a.)    Shocked
b.)    Speech-less
c.)     Trying really hard not to cry in front of everyone
d.)    So excited I wanted to scream, and dance, and give everyone a big hug

I think I held the tears back pretty well though, and gave EVERYONE a big hug.  And I was on Cloud 9 the rest of the day!  And then the next day, my coworkers did it again.  They gave me another gift (I mean seriously, they are AWESOME!!!!!!!!).  I was given a beautiful apron, with this amazing logo stitched into it:


I love it.  So now when I bake, or cook, I get to look official in my professional “RedHead and The Kitchen” apron. 

So let’s get back to that other gift.  The one to Williams-Sonoma.  Oh.  Yes.  Everytime I was in Eastview Mall, and I walked past that store, I would drool.  I want EVERYTHING in that store.  Me shopping in that store is like a little kid in a candy shop.  I’m in heaven!  I had never purchased anything from there…. Until now!  On Friday I went and picked out something I have always wanted.  A KitchenAid stand mixer.  
Now, those suckers are EXPENSIVE, so I dreamed I would only get one if I got married and put it on my registry and begged my family to get it.  But not anymore.  Now I have one that is all my own.  My dream came true!
Hello gorgeous.  We are going to have lots of adventures together.  Lots of delicious, yummy adventures.  
So thank you, everyone at BOCES.  You have made me one very, very happy RedHead.  Thank you, thank you, thank you.  You don’t know how much I love each of you.  And somehow, I will find a way to get some goodies to you despite my absence. ;)

Thank you.  Thank you.  Thank you.  Thank you.  Thank you.  Thank you.  Thank you.  Thank you.  Thank you.  Thank you.  Thank you.  Thank you. x infinity.

Monday, June 20, 2011

Diet MAC

It has been so long since I have posted a new recipe!  My school work was a bit overwhelming for a bit, and the school year is winding down at work, so I have been a busy, busy bee.  Please accept my deepest apologies in the form of post over-load!  I have at least 6 recipes I need to add to here!!!!

The first recipe I need to post about is one I made for my FANTASTIC coworkers on Friday.  Let me start by saying that if it weren’t for the amazing people I work with at BOCES, my job would be so much more stressful than it is.  But thanks to my many, wonderful coworkers, my work days are filled with laughter and excitement!  So to thank the spectacular team of people I have the pleasure of working with, I like to treat them (often) to goodies!  On Friday I made everyone this amazing macaroni and cheese!  Everyone LOVED IT (read: no leftovers).  Plus, it was a.) superrrrrrrrr easy to make and b.) healthy healthy healthy!!!!  Now I know what you are thinking:  “Ashley, Macaroni and Cheese CANNOT be healthy.  There’s cheese, cream, fat, cholesterol...”  Oh, but I have found a recipe that makes it so much better for you!  First off, instead of heavy cream, you use skim milk.  Second, instead of tons of flour and butter (to thicken the sauce), you use cauliflower.  Yes, CAULIFLOWER!!!  So that means this dish is packed with vitamins and minerals, along with a helping of vegetables in each serving!  And, you use reduced fat cheddar cheese.  There is still SOME butter and flour in the sauce, but not nearly the amount you would find in other recipes.  If I make this again, I may try it with some whole wheat pasta for another healthy kick.

RedHead Low-Fat/Low-Cal Macaroni and Cheese (aka DIET MAC [dubbed by Mike]):
(adapted from Chocolate and Carrots)
-1 (16 oz) box small noodle pasta, like macaroni, mini shells, penne, bow ties, etc (I used mini shells in mine)
-1/2 head cauliflower
-1 tsp dried mustard
-2 tsp onion salt
-2 tsp garlic powder
-1 tsp ground black pepper
-1 tsp salt
-1 medium-sized onion, diced
-3 tbsp butter or margarine
-1/4 cup flour
-3 1/2 cups skim milk, divided
-4 cups grated part-skim (reduced fat) sharp cheddar cheese, divided
-3/4 cup plain bread crumbs
-3 tbsp butter, cut into cubes for topping

Preheat oven to 350 degrees.  Spray a 13”x9” baking dish with cooking spray, and set aside.  Bring a large pot of water to a boil. Add a few table spoons of salt to the water.  Trim the cauliflower and break into small pieces.  Add the cauliflower to the boiling water and cook until tender, about 10-15 mins.   
Strain the cauliflower from the water and place in a food processor.  
  Add ½ cup of skim milk to the cauliflower.  Puree until cauliflower is thick and smooth.  Add the dried mustard, onion salt, garlic powder, salt, and pepper to the cauliflower, and blend until mixed in.  Set aside.
In the same pot, cook the pasta according to box instructions, until al dente.  While the pasta cooks, make the sauce.  In a large saucepan, melt 3 tbsp butter over high heat.  Add the onions, and sauté for 3-4 mins, until the onions turn translucent.  
 Next, add the flour, and whisk to form a paste.
While continuously whisking, slowly add the rest of the skim milk.  
Bring the mixture to a boil, then turn the heat down to low, and allow the mixture to simmer for 3 mins. Keep whisking continously, otherwise the flour sinks to the bottom of the pot and will burn on the bottom.  And no one likes burnt flour in their macaroni and cheese!
Next, add the cauliflower mixture and 2 cups cheddar cheese.  Whisk whisk whisk to blend it in until it is all melted.
When the pasta is done cooking, strain it and toss it into the sauce.  Stir to coat the pasta thoroughly, then pour the mixture into your greased 13"x9" pan.  Top with the remaining cheese and sprinkle the breadcrumbs on top of that.  Dot the top with the cubed butter.  
Bake for 40-45 mins, or until the macaroni and cheese is bubbly, and the cheese on top is melted.  Enjoy this, guilt-free.  Maybe you will even make it for your coworkers. =)

Saturday, June 4, 2011

Grilled Veggie & Couscous Summer Salad

Summer has been in the air.  And you know what summer means?  Grilling.  I love grilling.  I will grill anything, because  And this dish is awesome.  Grilled veggies and golden jewel couscous salad.  What's golden jewel couscous?
Its this mixed grain I bought from Wegmans a while ago (I had a coupon, I love couons).  It has couscous, orzo, garbanzo beans, and quinoa in it.  The garbanzo beans add a nice crunch to the dish and the quinoa packs in some protein.  This dish is really light, which makes it a great dinner choice for a hot summer day, and its PACKED with veggies.  Next time I make this, I'm grilling some chicken to go along with it.  Yum!

Redhead Grilled Veggie & Couscous Salad:
-1 box Wegmans Golden Jewel Blend
-1 small carton cherry tomatoes
-1 small eggplant, sliced into 1/4" thick slices
-1 medium sized red onion, sliced into 1/4" thick round discs
-1 bundle asparagus
-1/4 cup olive oil
-salt and pepper
-Cavender's Greek Seasoning
-1 cup corn (if canned- drain the corn, if frozen, thaw it out)
-1 bottle Kraft Free Italian salad dressing (don't worry, you won't use the whole bottle)
-1/2 cup crumbled feta cheese
-1 bag fresh baby spinach

Cook the Golden Jewel Blend according to box directions.  While that is cooking, prepare and grill your veggies.  Skewer the cherry tomatoes to make grilling easier.  Slice the onions to look like this:
(sorry this isn't my photo.  I didn't have my camera that night and I snapped a quick pic of the finished product with my cell phone.  My apologies!!!)
Slicing the onion into these discs makes grilling them easier.  Slice the eggplant into discs as well.  Take the asparagus, and cut off the tough, hard bottom (usually 2-3 inches from the base).  Marinate the asparagus in enough Kraft Free Italian Dressing to coat.
This is the greatest salad dressing ever.  And at only 25 calories a serving, it doesn't load your dishes with unnecessary fat and calories.  Take your onion, eggplant, and tomatoes, and brush them with olive oil.  Season with salt, pepper, and Cavender's Greek Seasoning (my favorite!  I use it on everything!!)
 Over medium-high heat, grill the asparagus, eggplant, onion, and tomatoes until each vegetable is cooked through and has great grill marks.  After the vegetables have cooked, chop the asparagus, eggplant, and onion into bite sized pieces.  Take the tomatoes off the skewers. 
Now its time to assemble!  Stir the vegetables (remember the corn!) into the Golden Jewel couscous, along with the feta cheese and about 1/3 cup of Kraft Free Italian dressing.  Serve the vegetables and couscous on a bed of fresh spinach.  Depending on your taste preferences, top with more feta cheese and dressing.  If you like different kinds of grilled veggies (zucchini, squash, mushrooms, green peppers) feel free to grill those instead!  Mix it up and make it your own.  Enjoy!